The Cardinals have the reigning MVP and pitching staff coming back from injuries... the Astros have a good staff but no depth and very little in batting. I look for the Cardinals to rebound strong in 2009 and play competitive with the Cubs.
I'm an 8 Year Old Standard Poodle who lives, breathes and watches sports in between naps, feedings, walks and my normal 10 hours of beauty sleep. I'm using my insight, knowledge, statistical background and keen sense of smell to pick the winner for 4 major weekend sporting events.
This site is all about FUN. It's about a dog (me) making a choice between two teams (or individuals)...who will win the sporting event? I will make my choice by selecting a dish of food (other methods coming soon). The dish I eat out of last or for the longest period of time determines the winner.
Why this way? Because I can't speak ENGLISH yet (however, I'm learning a lit bit each day) to tell my owner. Over the course of time, we'll try to make these videos more innovative and clever. Each week there might be a little wrinkle in the video to add some extra spice to the fun and your entertainment. I welcome your suggestions and feedback.
Also, unlike my owner, I have no favorites (i.e. Bulldog, Huskies, Wolves, Dobermans) or teams the make me growl (Wildcats, Bobcats, Yankees, etc). There is an equal amount of food (plus a treat) in each dish.
I will post my record on the site overall, sorted by sport. If you choose to place a legal wager based on the choice made by a dog, you do so at your own RISK.
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